Thursday, February 23, 2012

what drives you!!??

.I am referring to MOTIVATION not the car you drive...I am lacking lots of that(motivation) its ridiculous. About 3 months ago I was pumped and ready to do anything to lose my pre & post baby weight!! I had PRE baby weight because I never found motivation after my daughter and ate twinkies like there was no tomorrow. Which resulted in lots of health issues because I have a small frame..HA! yeah right!! its more that I am short and shaped like a crisp Apple! (thank you mom&dad) So after I gained so much weight and was pregnant on top of being heavy it was the WORST!! I snored and looked like a blow fish minus the prickly things. I promised myself I would lose all the baby weight plus Sadie weight....and some! basically a total of 35lbs! 8 months later I have only lost..10lbs I have looked high and low for motivation and well I can't find it! My husband seems to have been the one to find it. He has done a great job losing weight. I am sooo proud of him he is so motivated and I wish I had an ounce of that!! I have to be honest though.... Its real hard when your a stay at home mom to find time for yourself even bathroom breaks are cut short so finding time for a work out..pshh! is pretty darn hard. When I do get time for myself exercise is the last thing I want to do. I know that's another excuse but its a GOOD one! :) I also know I'm not the only one that feels this way..right?? well at least I hope so. I will make it a goal this month to put my lame excuses to rest and get on it and find the motivation I need to be back at my goal weight!... I'll start Monday! lol jk I am starting right now!! seriously!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The power of a Whisper

Tonight while holding my 4 month I did something that I often try to do..(It may sound silly but in 20 years ill see if it works)...I whisper in his ear what I want him to be and I encourage him to be obedient. I also reminded him how grateful I am to have him in my life and what a blessing he is to our home. I let him know that both his mom and dad want the best for him and hope he will always be part of this gospel that has blessed both of us so much... You may be thinking to yourself...what a NUT case!.. but hold that thought..a while ago my mom told me an interesting story she had heard..It was about a young boy who's father never went to parent teacher conference and other activities..She always thought it was selfish that this boys father would work so much and not take time off to be with his the year progressed she was amazed how smart this boy was and how kind he was towards other...One night the teacher got the courage to call his father to talk to him about his son. The father of the young boy told her that he is very busy working every day and that he was sorry to miss all the important meetings. He would try to catch up with his son after work but when he would do so he would already be asleep...but he told her that EVERY single night when he gets home he kneels by his sons bed and whispers to him, how much he loves him,what a smart boy he is and that he will be a great man someday..he reminds him to be obedient and kind and that him and his mother want the best for him...The father told the teacher that during a period of time while we sleep our minds are more open then when when we are awake. He takes that opportunity to speak to his son and reminds him how much he is loved and what he is capable of doing...The teacher was very impressed especially because this boy who didn't have his parent at his side as often for school functions was doing better then the kids with active parents....when I heard this story it made sense and I have tried to do it as often as possible..both with Sadie and Riley...I know I get busy in the day and at night is the perfect time to let them know how I feel especially because they are calm and ready to I went to a fireside for the Dance Centennial program that our church is doing and they talked a lot about discovering talents and and working hard at the ones you have so you are able to become the greatest..It made me think about how much harder I need to try to be a finisher!!! try harder to obtain my goals....The speakers were directing the talks towards the youth but I got out of it a little something too. I need be supportive to my children in there talents. I need to push them to follow their dreams and help them find there talents. I have to teach them to be finishers..("finishers" is another story i heard tonight click here to read that one) finishers don't give up, they reach their goals... I hope that kneeling at the side of my children's bed every night WHISPERING encouraging and loving words will help guide them and empower them to be great!! to have the courage to try new things and discover their talents. I want to be a good support system in their life so they may have faith in themselves to become the young men/young women heavenly father wants them to be.