Thursday, February 23, 2012

what drives you!!??

.I am referring to MOTIVATION not the car you drive...I am lacking lots of that(motivation) its ridiculous. About 3 months ago I was pumped and ready to do anything to lose my pre & post baby weight!! I had PRE baby weight because I never found motivation after my daughter and ate twinkies like there was no tomorrow. Which resulted in lots of health issues because I have a small frame..HA! yeah right!! its more that I am short and shaped like a crisp Apple! (thank you mom&dad) So after I gained so much weight and was pregnant on top of being heavy it was the WORST!! I snored and looked like a blow fish minus the prickly things. I promised myself I would lose all the baby weight plus Sadie weight....and some! basically a total of 35lbs! 8 months later I have only lost..10lbs I have looked high and low for motivation and well I can't find it! My husband seems to have been the one to find it. He has done a great job losing weight. I am sooo proud of him he is so motivated and I wish I had an ounce of that!! I have to be honest though.... Its real hard when your a stay at home mom to find time for yourself even bathroom breaks are cut short so finding time for a work out..pshh! is pretty darn hard. When I do get time for myself exercise is the last thing I want to do. I know that's another excuse but its a GOOD one! :) I also know I'm not the only one that feels this way..right?? well at least I hope so. I will make it a goal this month to put my lame excuses to rest and get on it and find the motivation I need to be back at my goal weight!... I'll start Monday! lol jk I am starting right now!! seriously!!!