Friday, October 14, 2011


This week has been a TEST...I will say! that I am a horrible test taker..I usually get anxious and moody and well the outcome is, major FAIL! but at least I tried, trying is good....The TESTER: GOD himself. Now these tests are what gets your foot in the door.(pearly gate doors). In these cases failing is not an option!!! :) I am unsure if any of you have stopped and realized the responsibility we have with our children.(I'm sure you have and if you haven't u need an intervention!) The impact we have on them,on their future,their self esteem and how it all comes down to US the parents.. Well I stopped and thought about it, bad idea! It scared the hibbi jibbis out of me and made me buckle up and reminded me I needed to be more PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's what it all comes down to and thats where the test begins!!...MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!! (patience) BUT I WANT IT, BUT I WANT IT (patience) NO! (patience) ITS NOT FAIR!!! (patience!!!!!) You soon become a patient(get it! jijij) in your own loony ville mind!!!! but at the end of the day instead of beating your child and feeling guilty.. your PATIENCE pays off!! those moment you were patient you were actually able to teach your child a lesson. You showed them how to deal with their anger and attitude instead of showing them the wooden spoon or in my case the huarache!! ande le!!!! (lol that means sandal) I am grateful for this wild week!! as crazy as that sounds but it truly allowed me to learn, to teach and to rely on the lord for patience in a stressful time..I am making my child sound like a demon child but she is not! she is just 3 going on 16 lol I love her to death and she acts up and that's my moment to shine! I can either scream and be nasty (like the lady from the dollar store "I'm gonna tear you up when we get home" geeesssh!!BTW i had never heard that one before!!!) or I can stay calm and give her options or take away options!!! Its taken me a while to learn this and I am blessed to have a very forgiving and loving daughter..I am also very blessed to have a loving Father in heaven that has given me the opportunity to have these beautiful spirits in my home and for testing me and helping me through it and also comforting me when it gets rough. I love that he reminds me that its not always easy...but it is WORTH it!