I hate talking about this!! mostly I hate facing the truth..I need to loss weight big time!! I have done great after having baby #2 I lost all the weight I gained plus some. I am now back to pre-baby weight which was OVER weight..My biggest problem is PRIORITIES! this might sound awful but I put my family first before anything and well at times I shouldn't!! (let me explain because your probably asking yourself whats wrong with that) Days where I am sitting on the couch watching baby animals save the world. I should be going for a walk or working out some how. Its hard to walk away from my family and do something for myself...since the hubby is working full time/school full time and also has church responsibilities it gets hard for me to say "hey watch the kids while I go work out"..Mostly because the moments we CAN spend together I rather do that then go for a jog!! The hubby is always willing to watch them but I choose to hang out with them and that needs to change. I would do anything for my family and I need to get my priorities straight. I need to work on my health so I can be with them longer,so my family can continue to grow and so I can keep up with them. This is one of those things where I do have to put myself first so I can be a better mom and spouse. My priorities need to be re-arranged :) not necessarily change because my family is very important! I will slowly work on this and put the bon bons away!!!
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
One of those days!
Today was one of those days I could eat a whole box of Twinkies by myself and not feel 1 ounce of guilt! My 3 yr old was acting very 3!!! my newborn was acting very newborn!!!! lol I was overwhelmed with that chaos. While my mind was stressing about other things! what color to paint the vanity,what comforter to buy my daughter...KID OVERLOAD..PROJECT OVERLOAD!! We bought a house that needs a lot of TLC. At times I regret it but once the project is done I am glad I live here..These are some of our before pictures of my current project The Master Bathroom! I didn't take great pictures because I was rushing that day but basically this is it. Baby blue bathroom with old fixtures,old wallpaper border, old carpet..yes i said carpet there was baby blue carpet in the bathroom it grossed me out just thinking what all was on that carpet. Lets just say we got rid of that carpet before we even moved in..
The toilet is hidden behind this wall!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Let's get real!
The first item of business!!! BREASTFEEDING... I feel like writing about this because, well I have been on both sides of the fence. I have 2 children 1 was formula fed right out of the womb (well 1 week after) baby#2 which is currently 6 weeks old is getting breastfed.. With my first child i was told breastfeeding was an amazing bonding moment a time where you and your child can relax and enjoy each others company.............(did your sibling ever give you a titi twister when she saw you were finally growing boobs??? I ask you this question..was that BONDING!!!!..NO!!) Breastfeeding hurts like heck I'm gonna be honest!! I was thinking that it was gonna be a walk in the park but during my walk I got jumped by nipple biting Purana's!! I truly felt like a failure. I wanted to feed her but she would make me cry from the pain and also bleed. I thought this was not normal! so I quit! I popped a warm bottle in her mouth and felt the bonding begin.. but with baby #2 I thought I need to try harder maybe he will learn to latch on right. Sure enough the pain began at day 2 I looked at my hubby and said "would you be disappointed in me if i quit"...I felt so much pressure to continue breastfeeding not just from my husband but from friends,family and others..They weren't telling me do it, do it!! it was a silent pressure the one that kills!!!(or the pressure that is only in YOUR head) I was so glad my nurse that discharged me from the hospital was honest she said " oh honey it hurts soo bad especially the first week when you are still contracting and with each child it will hurt worse but after the first 2 weeks it will get better and after the month you will get use to it and hopefully enjoy it" ..eekk so 6 weeks later it still hurts but I'm finally finding the joy in it..I'm sure there are a lot of you out there feeling like me..you wanna quit but then you don't..that choice is only up to YOU. In my experience I have attempted both my daughter is healthy and smart as can be and she was formula fed. Baby#2 SAME! It is an amazing thing to breastfeed once you get your mind in a right place and focus on what your doing and not the pain of it..As women we need to get real and be honest with new moms and moms to be, not scare the living monkeys out of them but teach them that there is pain involved so they don't end up feeling like me..disappointed in myself because I thought my body wasn't working properly,that I wasn't doing things right. That I was a failure..You bond with your child whether you breastfeed them or not the love you will have for them will be just as strong and I'm sure lots of you can testify to that!! I love my children even if one boob is bigger then the other!!!
Quick tips from a Novus:
*Lanolin!! use this all the time you can buy it at any drugstore or walmart..Use this especially when showering its a life saver!!!
*Water! drink lots!
*Fenugreek! this helped my milk supply improve
*Pillow a good pillow makes your first experiences more comfortable I had a boppy but it didnt work for me! I just used my own.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
My inspiration for this blog is simple..My children. I am a mother of 2! As I laid in bed with my 2 kids, tapping my sons diaper to rock him to sleep while trying to stroke my daughters head. I realized 2 things 1 that I need to work on my coordination (i kept tapping my daughters head) and 2..that I'm doing it!! I really am a Mother. I realized that I am part of the HOOD in motherhood. I feel inadequate at times but I am blessed to have such a forgiving and loving daughter & son. I am learning day by day what it takes to be a "Mother". I want to share my deepest,funniest,depressive and joyful moments with other mothers..Some of us Mothers tend to spend our time looking through the blinds at the mom next door and thinking, how does she do it? she has it all together,she is soo patient!!! she is PERFECT!!..guess what I promise you that mother has the same issues as you!!! my blog will let you realize you are not ALONE!!! ..lets enjoy the blessing of being mothers!! and remember some days will be better then others!!!!!!! We are students and our children are our teachers!!!
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