Thursday, September 22, 2011


My inspiration for this blog is simple..My children. I am a mother of 2! As I laid in bed with my 2 kids, tapping my sons diaper to rock him to sleep while trying to stroke my daughters head. I realized 2 things 1 that I need to work on my coordination (i kept tapping my daughters head) and 2..that I'm doing it!! I really am a Mother. I realized that I am part of the HOOD in motherhood. I feel inadequate at times but I am blessed to have such a forgiving and loving daughter & son. I am learning day by day what it takes to be a "Mother". I want to share my deepest,funniest,depressive and joyful moments with other mothers..Some of us Mothers tend to spend our time looking through the blinds at the mom next door and thinking, how does she do it? she has it all together,she is soo patient!!! she is PERFECT!!..guess what I promise you that mother has the same issues as you!!! my blog will let you realize you are not ALONE!!! ..lets enjoy the blessing of being mothers!! and remember some days will be better then others!!!!!!! We are students and our children are our teachers!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, sista! I'm going to enjoy this blog...I can already feel it!
