Friday, September 30, 2011


I hate talking about this!! mostly I hate facing the truth..I need to loss weight big time!! I have done great after having baby #2 I lost all the weight I gained plus some. I am now back to pre-baby weight which was OVER weight..My biggest problem is PRIORITIES! this might sound awful but I put my family first before anything and well at times I shouldn't!! (let me explain because your probably asking yourself whats wrong with that) Days where I am sitting on the couch watching baby animals save the world. I should be going for a walk or working out some how. Its hard to walk away from my family and do something for myself...since the hubby is working full time/school full time and also has church responsibilities it gets hard for me to say "hey watch the kids while I go work out"..Mostly because the moments we CAN spend together I rather do that then go for a jog!! The hubby is always willing to watch them but I choose to hang out with them and that needs to change. I would do anything for my family and I need to get my priorities straight. I need to work on my health so I can be with them longer,so my family can continue to grow and so I can keep up with them. This is one of those things where I do have to put myself first so I can be a better mom and spouse. My priorities need to be re-arranged :) not necessarily change because my family is very important! I will slowly work on this and put the bon bons away!!!

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